Wednesday 12 September 2012

Google Faces Antitrust Suit in India | In The News l Multiply l Quora | benoreo | Social Bookmarking .Net

Google Faces Antitrust Suit in India | In The News l Multiply l Quora | benoreo | Social Bookmarking .Net

India’s Competition Commission confirmed that Google is undergoing an antitrust investigation after a match-making website filed a complaint against its “alleged discriminatory practices” in AdWords.

An Indian dating website has filed the complaint against the search engine giant, alleging that it has breached the country’s antitrust laws for its advertising unit, AdWords. The complaint accused Google of luring 2 Indian dating sites into a bidding war over its ad keywords in online search.

Consim Info, the company operating has filed the antitrust suit with the Competition Commission of India in February against Google, which, according to CCI, could last from 2-12 months.
The probe aims appears to be aimed at determining if there is any merit on the complaint filed against Google after the discovery of “prima facie evidence” showing how it had allegedly abused its market position by selling adwords to the complainant’s rival.
“We have asked the Director General (Investigations) to complete the probe and give a report on it within 60 days. Prima facie, we found evidence that suggests that Google did abuse its dominant market position,” said a senior official of CCI.Like what had happened in other markets, Google has become a target by competitors who wish to crack its prominent ranking.

Google Faces Antitrust Suit in India | In The News l Multiply l Quora - The-looser-it-s-me

Google Faces Antitrust Suit in India | In The News l Multiply l Quora - The-looser-it-s-me

India’s Competition Commission confirmed that Google is undergoing an antitrust investigation after a match-making website filed a complaint against its “alleged discriminatory practices” in AdWords.

An Indian dating website has filed the complaint against the search engine giant, alleging that it has breached the country’s antitrust laws for its advertising unit, AdWords. The complaint accused Google of luring 2 Indian dating sites into a bidding war over its ad keywords in online search.

Consim Info, the company operating has filed the antitrust suit with the Competition Commission of India in February against Google, which, according to CCI, could last from 2-12 months.
The probe aims appears to be aimed at determining if there is any merit on the complaint filed against Google after the discovery of “prima facie evidence” showing how it had allegedly abused its market position by selling adwords to the complainant’s rival.
“We have asked the Director General (Investigations) to complete the probe and give a report on it within 60 days. Prima facie, we found evidence that suggests that Google did abuse its dominant market position,” said a senior official of CCI.Like what had happened in other markets, Google has become a target by competitors who wish to crack its prominent ranking.

Springhill Group - Turkey l Blogger l Quora - The-looser-it-s-me

Springhill Group - Turkey l Blogger l Quora - The-looser-it-s-me
“No one should be deceived by our cool-headed stance. Our acting with common sense should not be perceived as a weakness,” said Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Turkey’s brief response to last week’s incident seems to show that a violent retaliation from their side is not happening, although Prime Minister Erdogan has warned that Syria must not test his resolve.
Prime Minister Erdogan announced that Turkey had altered its military policies of engagement toward Syria.
In his speech to the legislative body also attended by Arab diplomats, Erdogan said, “Every military element that approaches the Turkish border from Syria in a manner that constitutes a security risk or danger would be considered as a threat and would be treated as a military target.”
Border violations is not something new as the Turks have claimed that Syrian helicopters themselves had repeatedly violated Turkey’s airspace, without the latter dealing a hostile response in return. The two nations are sharing a 910-kilometer frontier.
According to Syria, Turkey’s plane was flying at low altitude and high speed, thus violating their airspace so one of their officers shot it down using an anti-aircraft fire. On the other hand, Turkey claims that their plane was fired at over international waters following a brief and unintentional stay in the Syrian space. The two pilots of the Turkish aircraft are still missing.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Springhill Group - Turkey l Blogger l Quora

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Springhill Group - Turkey l Blogger l Quora: India’s Competit...

Springhill Group - Turkey l Blogger l Quora

India’s Competition Commission confirmed that Google is undergoing an antitrust investigation after a match-making website filed a complaint against its “alleged discriminatory practices” in AdWords.

An Indian dating website has filed the complaint against the search engine giant, alleging that it has breached the country’s antitrust laws for its advertising unit, AdWords. The complaint accused Google of luring 2 Indian dating sites into a bidding war over its ad keywords in online search.

Consim Info, the company operating has filed the antitrust suit with the Competition Commission of India in February against Google, which, according to CCI, could last from 2-12 months.
The probe aims appears to be aimed at determining if there is any merit on the complaint filed against Google after the discovery of “prima facie evidence” showing how it had allegedly abused its market position by selling adwords to the complainant’s rival.
“We have asked the Director General (Investigations) to complete the probe and give a report on it within 60 days. Prima facie, we found evidence that suggests that Google did abuse its dominant market position,” said a senior official of CCI.Like what had happened in other markets, Google has become a target by competitors who wish to crack its prominent ranking.

On the other hand, Google defended itself by saying that it has always cooperated with investigators. It has given a statement to Springhill Group Counselling: “Though competition is always a click away, we understand that with success comes scrutiny. We have not received any communication from the CCI, but we’re always happy to answer questions about our business, and we’re confident that our products are compliant with competition law in India.”
Google seems to be getting used in being the subject of regulatory scrutiny worldwide as more companies become irked by its business in online advertisement.

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Springhill Group - Turkey l Blogger l Quora

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Springhill Group - Turkey l Blogger l Quora: “No one should be deceived by our cool-hea...

Springhill Group - Turkey l Blogger l Quora

“No one should be deceived by our cool-headed stance. Our acting with common sense should not be perceived as a weakness,” said Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Turkey’s brief response to last week’s incident seems to show that a violent retaliation from their side is not happening, although Prime Minister Erdogan has warned that Syria must not test his resolve.
Prime Minister Erdogan announced that Turkey had altered its military policies of engagement toward Syria.
In his speech to the legislative body also attended by Arab diplomats, Erdogan said, “Every military element that approaches the Turkish border from Syria in a manner that constitutes a security risk or danger would be considered as a threat and would be treated as a military target.”
Border violations is not something new as the Turks have claimed that Syrian helicopters themselves had repeatedly violated Turkey’s airspace, without the latter dealing a hostile response in return. The two nations are sharing a 910-kilometer frontier.
According to Syria, Turkey’s plane was flying at low altitude and high speed, thus violating their airspace so one of their officers shot it down using an anti-aircraft fire. On the other hand, Turkey claims that their plane was fired at over international waters following a brief and unintentional stay in the Syrian space. The two pilots of the Turkish aircraft are still missing.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Swedes to crack down on bogus billing scams l Blogger l Tumblr

Swedes to crack down on bogus billing scams l Blogger l Tumblr

The Swedish government want to increase penalties for issuing fake bills and have appointed a committee to look into the growing problem of billing fraud in Sweden.Judge falls asleep twice during trial (6 Jan 12)Fake invoice fraud on the rise in Sweden: report (3 Jan 12)‘Wheelchair man’ jailed for four years for fraud (10 Dec 11)“The real problem is that there is no experience among local police stations across the country to investigate this properly. There is no organized or functioning cooperation between different agencies, which is remarkable,” said public prosecutor Tord Josefsson to news agency TT.Josefsson has recently appealed a billing fraud verdict in Helsingborg, in southern Sweden, and is set to discuss these issues with minister for justice, Beatrice Ask, on Wednesday. According to Josefsson, harsher legislation is not the answer to the increasing problem.He told TT that longer sentences are not the answer, as the maximum penalty for economic crime is five to six years but that it is unusual for courts to give out sentences this long.
“That courts sentence fraudsters to this long sentences is very uncommon. It really only occurs when the activity is seen as particularly menacing to society,” Josefsson told TT.
Ask, however, told TT that the police and courts need to look closer at this kind of crime.

Emotional Intelligence May Cause Job Burnout l Tumblr

Emotional Intelligence May Cause Job Burnout l Tumblr

An employee’s job performance is dependent upon many things, includingemotional intelligence (EI). “It has been established that the emotions an employee experiences in their organization affect his/her psychological and physical health, and also that employee’s attitude towards duties, the organization, and work-related accomplishments,” said Tae Won Moon of the Department of Business Administration at Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea, and lead author of a recent study examining EI on the job. Burnout, also termed emotional exhaustion, is a key factor in determining how emotional intelligence affects job performance. “In our study we used the words emotional exhaustion and burnout interchangeably. Burnout includes three distinct states:  emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment,” said Won Moon. “Among these three states, emotional exhaustion is at the core of burnout.” When an employee is forced to exhibit emotions to customers that are insincere, such as smiling to a customer when having a bad day, causes emotional dissonance. “Researchers have suggested that sustained emotional dissonance reduces an individual’s self-identity or even promotes a strong contrary (pseudo) identity and this leads to feelings of stress, frustration, or burnout/emotional exhaustion,” said Won Moon. High levels of EI are linked to increased coping skills, on and off the job. Therefore, Won Moon theorized that low levels of EI would lead to emotional exhaustion or burnout.

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Swedes to crack down on bogus billing scams l Blog...

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Swedes to crack down on bogus billing scams l Blog...: The Swedish government want to ...

Swedes to crack down on bogus billing scams l Blogger l Tumblr

The Swedish government want to increase penalties for issuing fake bills and have appointed a committee to look into the growing problem of billing fraud in Sweden.Judge falls asleep twice during trial (6 Jan 12)Fake invoice fraud on the rise in Sweden: report (3 Jan 12)‘Wheelchair man’ jailed for four years for fraud (10 Dec 11)“The real problem is that there is no experience among local police stations across the country to investigate this properly. There is no organized or functioning cooperation between different agencies, which is remarkable,” said public prosecutor Tord Josefsson to news agency TT.Josefsson has recently appealed a billing fraud verdict in Helsingborg, in southern Sweden, and is set to discuss these issues with minister for justice, Beatrice Ask, on Wednesday. According to Josefsson, harsher legislation is not the answer to the increasing problem.He told TT that longer sentences are not the answer, as the maximum penalty for economic crime is five to six years but that it is unusual for courts to give out sentences this long.
“That courts sentence fraudsters to this long sentences is very uncommon. It really only occurs when the activity is seen as particularly menacing to society,” Josefsson told TT.
Ask, however, told TT that the police and courts need to look closer at this kind of crime.
”It is developing at an alarming pace and is becoming a huge problem. Fake bills have become a major source of income for organized crime,” Ask said.
Although the rules need to differ between individuals and small businesses, it is vital that there are clear guidelines in both cases, according to Ask.
”It’s not all about giving out harsher sentences but also to see on a larger scale what problems there are. Maybe one also needs to question whether the current legislation is adequate,” Ask told TT.

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Emotional Intelligence May Cause Job Burnout l Tum...

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Emotional Intelligence May Cause Job Burnout l Tum...: An employee’s job performance is depend...

Emotional Intelligence May Cause Job Burnout l Tumblr

An employee’s job performance is dependent upon many things, includingemotional intelligence (EI). “It has been established that the emotions an employee experiences in their organization affect his/her psychological and physical health, and also that employee’s attitude towards duties, the organization, and work-related accomplishments,” said Tae Won Moon of the Department of Business Administration at Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea, and lead author of a recent study examining EI on the job. Burnout, also termed emotional exhaustion, is a key factor in determining how emotional intelligence affects job performance. “In our study we used the words emotional exhaustion and burnout interchangeably. Burnout includes three distinct states:  emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment,” said Won Moon. “Among these three states, emotional exhaustion is at the core of burnout.” When an employee is forced to exhibit emotions to customers that are insincere, such as smiling to a customer when having a bad day, causes emotional dissonance. “Researchers have suggested that sustained emotional dissonance reduces an individual’s self-identity or even promotes a strong contrary (pseudo) identity and this leads to feelings of stress, frustration, or burnout/emotional exhaustion,” said Won Moon. High levels of EI are linked to increased coping skills, on and off the job. Therefore, Won Moon theorized that low levels of EI would lead to emotional exhaustion or burnout.
For the study, Won Moon interviewed 295 employees from a South Korean department store. The average age of the participants was 38, and all had been employed for at least one year. The results revealed that three key components ofEI, optimism, social skills and emotional validation, were negatively linked to emotional exhaustion. “We speculate that individuals who are good at utilizing their emotions by incorporating emotion in thought, and understanding emotions by employing emotional knowledge, may be more likely to experience emotional exhaustion,” said Won Moon. “Since they put more effort into making emotional facilitation in thinking, and analyzing their own and others’ emotions, this process may generate a feeling of stress, frustration, or burnout/emotional exhaustion.”

Saturday 14 July 2012

Springhill Group Counselling-The Dark Side of Psychotherapy

Springhill Group Counselling-The Dark Side of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapists are starting to become more alert on the reality of how dangerous the double-edged nature of their profession is. Being effective in addressing client concerns is only but a part of the job — keeping your head is just as important.
Just like how a clean broom can get all dirty and messed up through continuously doing its work of cleaning the floor, so can the therapist get vulnerable to difficult feelings by dealing with clients.
Psychotherapists are indoctrinated early on that they need to be emotionally stable to cope with the challenges of the profession. And oftentimes, it’s that very thing that can make a therapist struggle. It’s as if they are not allowed to feel emotions like boredom and exhaustion.
They were taught that having struggles with work as a psychotherapist are all because of your own personal issues or mere lack of experience.
Unfortunately, issues that are not addressed properly can eventually lead to burnout.You can be effective in your job but still feel stressed, frustrated or self-doubt.

Tech News | In The News รข€“ Springhill Group Counselling

Tech News | In The News รข€“ Springhill Group Counselling

With the ongoing Google I/O developers conference this week will surely come a lot of surprises from the Internet giant, one of which is the anticipated unveiling of a tablet running on their equally new Android operating system, Jellybean.
Google seem to be doing what Microsoft did last week in its unveiling of Surface tablet.
“It seems Google’s trying to do what Microsoft did last week, which is basically tell their partners they no longer trust them to do things right.”
The 7-inch Asus-Google tablets will be made by Quanta Computer and will reportedly run on Jellybean, the latest version of Android’s mobile OS. The first of its kind from Google, the tablet could cost up to USD 250, which should be another reason for Amazon as well as Apple to be on the alert.
The Nexus 7 Google tablet will sport a 1.2 megapixel front camera, a 178 degree viewing angle, 1280×800 resolutions and 1Gb RAM with NFC capability (plus a Google Wallet feature for US customers). Its battery life could last up to 9 hours and will have the Nvidia quad-core Tegra 3 processor.

Springhill Group Counselling-The Dark Side of Psychotherapy (Tvinx :: News) - The-looser-it-s-me

Springhill Group Counselling-The Dark Side of Psychotherapy (Tvinx :: News) - The-looser-it-s-me

Psychotherapists are starting to become more alert on the reality of how dangerous the double-edged nature of their profession is. Being effective in addressing client concerns is only but a part of the job — keeping your head is just as important.
Just like how a clean broom can get all dirty and messed up through continuously doing its work of cleaning the floor, so can the therapist get vulnerable to difficult feelings by dealing with clients.
Psychotherapists are indoctrinated early on that they need to be emotionally stable to cope with the challenges of the profession. And oftentimes, it’s that very thing that can make a therapist struggle. It’s as if they are not allowed to feel emotions like boredom and exhaustion.
They were taught that having struggles with work as a psychotherapist are all because of your own personal issues or mere lack of experience.
Unfortunately, issues that are not addressed properly can eventually lead to burnout.You can be effective in your job but still feel stressed, frustrated or self-doubt.

Springhill Group Counselling-The Dark Side of Psychotherapy (Tvinx :: News) | benoreo | Social Bookmarking .Net

Springhill Group Counselling-The Dark Side of Psychotherapy (Tvinx :: News) | benoreo | Social Bookmarking .Net

Psychotherapists are starting to become more alert on the reality of how dangerous the double-edged nature of their profession is. Being effective in addressing client concerns is only but a part of the job — keeping your head is just as important.
Just like how a clean broom can get all dirty and messed up through continuously doing its work of cleaning the floor, so can the therapist get vulnerable to difficult feelings by dealing with clients.
Psychotherapists are indoctrinated early on that they need to be emotionally stable to cope with the challenges of the profession. And oftentimes, it’s that very thing that can make a therapist struggle. It’s as if they are not allowed to feel emotions like boredom and exhaustion.
They were taught that having struggles with work as a psychotherapist are all because of your own personal issues or mere lack of experience.
Unfortunately, issues that are not addressed properly can eventually lead to burnout.You can be effective in your job but still feel stressed, frustrated or self-doubt.

Tech News | In The News – Springhill Group Counselling (Tvinx :: News) - The-looser-it-s-me

Tech News | In The News – Springhill Group Counselling (Tvinx :: News) - The-looser-it-s-me

With the ongoing Google I/O developers conference this week will surely come a lot of surprises from the Internet giant, one of which is the anticipated unveiling of a tablet running on their equally new Android operating system, Jellybean.
Google seem to be doing what Microsoft did last week in its unveiling of Surface tablet.
“It seems Google’s trying to do what Microsoft did last week, which is basically tell their partners they no longer trust them to do things right.”
The 7-inch Asus-Google tablets will be made by Quanta Computer and will reportedly run on Jellybean, the latest version of Android’s mobile OS. The first of its kind from Google, the tablet could cost up to USD 250, which should be another reason for Amazon as well as Apple to be on the alert.
The Nexus 7 Google tablet will sport a 1.2 megapixel front camera, a 178 degree viewing angle, 1280×800 resolutions and 1Gb RAM with NFC capability (plus a Google Wallet feature for US customers). Its battery life could last up to 9 hours and will have the Nvidia quad-core Tegra 3 processor.

Tech News | In The News – Springhill Group Counselling (Tvinx :: News) | benoreo | Social Bookmarking .Net

Tech News | In The News – Springhill Group Counselling (Tvinx :: News) | benoreo | Social Bookmarking .Net

With the ongoing Google I/O developers conference this week will surely come a lot of surprises from the Internet giant, one of which is the anticipated unveiling of a tablet running on their equally new Android operating system, Jellybean.
Google seem to be doing what Microsoft did last week in its unveiling of Surface tablet.
“It seems Google’s trying to do what Microsoft did last week, which is basically tell their partners they no longer trust them to do things right.”
The 7-inch Asus-Google tablets will be made by Quanta Computer and will reportedly run on Jellybean, the latest version of Android’s mobile OS. The first of its kind from Google, the tablet could cost up to USD 250, which should be another reason for Amazon as well as Apple to be on the alert.
The Nexus 7 Google tablet will sport a 1.2 megapixel front camera, a 178 degree viewing angle, 1280×800 resolutions and 1Gb RAM with NFC capability (plus a Google Wallet feature for US customers). Its battery life could last up to 9 hours and will have the Nvidia quad-core Tegra 3 processor.

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Springhill Group Counselling-The Dark Side of Psyc...

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Springhill Group Counselling-The Dark Side of Psyc...: Psychotherapists are starting to become ...

Springhill Group Counselling-The Dark Side of Psychotherapy (Tvinx :: News)

Psychotherapists are starting to become more alert on the reality of how dangerous the double-edged nature of their profession is. Being effective in addressing client concerns is only but a part of the job — keeping your head is just as important.

Just like how a clean broom can get all dirty and messed up through continuously doing its work of cleaning the floor, so can the therapist get vulnerable to difficult feelings by dealing with clients.

Psychotherapists are indoctrinated early on that they need to be emotionally stable to cope with the challenges of the profession. And oftentimes, it’s that very thing that can make a therapist struggle. It’s as if they are not allowed to feel emotions like boredom and exhaustion.

They were taught that having struggles with work as a psychotherapist are all because of your own personal issues or mere lack of experience.Unfortunately, issues that are not addressed properly can eventually lead to burnout.You can be effective in your job but still feel stressed, frustrated or self-doubt.

Most therapists are aware that work issues tend to affect personal relationships. Exhausting someone’s emotional capacity in such a line of work can result in him having none left for interacting with family members.They are not alert to the fact that, being also a human, they have personal feelings towards their career that can come to the surface. And in fear of being labeled unprofessional, they refuse to recognize those emotion and just continue going through their daily routine.

To add to their burden, they cannot bring up to family members or friends anything work-related because of confidentiality rules. Plus, very few of those in this field can actually admit they are having problems themselves.An effective coping strategy for a therapist to keep afloat while working is to practice, alongside their clinical skills, self-reflection. Psychotherapists must allow themselves to feel and acknowledge their emotions.Knowing how to process the intense emotion you as a therapist gets from every client encounter is invaluable.

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Tech News | In The News – Springhill Group Counsel...

SPRINGHILL GROUP: Tech News | In The News – Springhill Group Counsel...: With the ongoing Google I/O developer...

Tech News | In The News – Springhill Group Counselling l Tvinx

With the ongoing Google I/O developers conference this week will surely come a lot of surprises from the Internet giant, one of which is the anticipated unveiling of a tablet running on their equally new Android operating system, Jellybean.

Google seem to be doing what Microsoft did last week in its unveiling of Surface tablet.

 “It seems Google’s trying to do what Microsoft did last week, which is basically tell their partners they no longer trust them to do things right.”
The 7-inch Asus-Google tablets will be made by Quanta Computer and will reportedly run on Jellybean, the latest version of Android’s mobile OS. The first of its kind from Google, the tablet could cost up to USD 250, which should be another reason for Amazon as well as Apple to be on the alert.

 The Nexus 7 Google tablet will sport a 1.2 megapixel front camera, a 178 degree viewing angle, 1280×800 resolutions and 1Gb RAM with NFC capability (plus a Google Wallet feature for US customers). Its battery life could last up to 9 hours and will have the Nvidia quad-core Tegra 3 processor.
There will be an 8Gb and a 16Gb version, costing around USD 200 and USD 245. Australians could buy ahead of everyone else as it will be released there in July but no dates yet in the US.

Springhill Group Counselling has previously reported that Google might introduce its own voice assistant for its mobile devices, directly taking on Apple’s Siri on iPhone, and give a tech demo of its Project Glass.

Google seems to be under pressure to synergize its Android operating system for tablets and smartphones that has already suffered from “fragmentation” as rival device makers compete by putting creative spins on freeware. In comparison, developers could make applications that work on all Apple devices while Android developers are burdened with the need to adapt their apps to the different instances of the OS.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Springhill group Home Loans and Deposits : Blogspot | RedGage

Springhill Group Home Loan’s unrelenting aim on Corporate Governance, superior standards of ethics and focus of perspective – Confidence, Reliability, Transparency and Expert Service are the essential attitude of SGH.
Customer satisfaction is the tradition of all Springhill Group Home Loan’sservices. With SHG’s state-of-the-art information and facts methods to provide customer’s needs inspire customers in order to make the right home buying decision. This is what sets apart SGH’s customer service philosophy – Housing Finance With You, All Through.
Springhill Group Home is a housing finance company with the principal goal of achieving a social requirement of motivating home ownership by offering long-term finance to households. Springhill Group Home has turned the idea of housing finance in Springhill into a world-class business venture with outstanding reputation for dependability, honesty and outstanding services.
Springhill Group Home has a wide network of contacts from different loan companies within United States and Asia catering to towns & cities spread across the country providing housing loans and property advisory services.
For inquiries, email us at
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Springhill Group Home Rural Housing Finance Featuresoffers home loans in rural areas for:
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Springhill Group Home Equity Loans helps you encash the present market value of the property by taking a loan by mortgaging the property.
Features of Loan Against Property
  • Purpose
  • Loan can be for any purpose. However, the funds should not be used for speculation or any illegal purposes. Customers have benefited by taking loans to meet the following funding requirements
  • Education
  • Marriage Expenses
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  • Non Residential
  • - Should be Fully Constructed
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  • Adjustable Rate Home Loan
  • Conditions apply on this kind of loan, please contact us directly to inquire.